Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Proverbs 31:1-9
Service: Sunday Evening
God or Mammon - Part 2
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24
Service: Sunday Morning
Maximize Your Assets
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Proverbs 30:29-33
Service: Sunday Evening
God or Mammon - Part 1
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24
Service: Sunday Morning
Preparing For The Battle
Pastor Miguel Anaya
Scripture: Matthew 26:36-46
Service: Wednesday Evening
A Psalm, a Song For The Sabbath Day
Pastor Premend Choy
Scripture: Psalm 92
Service: Sunday Evening
Making The Most Of The Time God Has Given You
Pastor Simon Garcia, Jr.
Scripture: Ephesians 5:15-17
Service: Wednesday Evening
Pursue True Treasures
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24
Service: Sunday Morning