Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Proverbs 19:13
Service: Sunday Evening
Preaching The Gospel and Salvation
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture:: Romans 10:14-21
Service: Sunday Morning
Search and Rescue - Part 2
Pastor Miguel Anaya
Scripture: James 5:19-20
Service: Wednesday Evening
Finding God's Spouse For You
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Proverbs 18:22; 19:14
Service: Sunday Evening
What Must I Do To Be Saved
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture:: Romans 9:30-10:21
Service: Sunday Morning
Search and Rescue - Part 1
Pastor Miguel Anaya
Scripture: James 5:19-20
Service: Wednesday Evening
A Most Undesirable Trait In A Woman
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Proverbs 18:22
Service: Sunday Evening
God's Chosen People
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture:: Romans 9:6-29
Service: Sunday Morning
Are You Honest
Pastor Miguel Anaya
Scripture: James 5:12
Service: Wednesday Evening
A Most Desirable Trait In A Man
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture: Proverbs 18:22
Service: Sunday Evening
Why Christians Should Care About The Jews
Pastor Alex Montoya
Scripture:: Romans 9:1-5
Service: Sunday Morning
The Laborers In The Vineyard
Pastor Miguel Anaya
Scripture: Matthew 19:30 - 20:16
Service: Wednesday Evening
How To Handle Worry and Stress
Mr. Tobie Mendibles
Scripture: Philippians 4:4-9
Service: Sunday Evening
Embracing The Challenges Of Parenthood
Pastor Bobby Scott
Scripture:: Luke 2:41-52
Service: Sunday Morning
The Prodigal Son
Mr. Frank Rios
Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
Service: Wednesday Evening
Church Discipline
Pastor Martin Chavez
Scripture: Matthew 18:15-17
Service: Sunday Evening
Moving Heaven and Earth
Pastor Anthony Wood
Scripture:: Luke 2:1-7
Service: Sunday Morning
The Tares - The Mustard Seed
Mr. Nelson Gonzalez
Scripture: Matthew 13:24-32
Service: Wednesday Evening
Beyond Measure
Pastor Ignacio Chavez
Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-6
Service: Sunday Evening
Welcome One Another
Pastor Luis Cardenas
Scripture:: Romans 14
Service: Sunday Morning